Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Breaking Down Walls

So here we are, at the end of the road.

You think you’re so clever to push me past load.

I tell you it’s not worth it,

I tell you not to try.

But all in the end, you still make me cry.


I hate when you love me,

Makes me feel like you care.

But when my dream appears,

You turn to thin air.


I knock on your door,

No one answers, no one comes.

I look through those windows,

And its clear your not home.

I don’t know why I try,

I don’t know why I care.

But I do know that the love I feel,

It’s still in here!


I fool myself into thinking you’ll be back one day.

I never said I was smart,

Just hopeful and brave.


I trust what’s gonna happen,

I trust it to be.

Either make me the stronger,

Or leave me for me.


When you decide to come back,

Just know what you’ll find

Is not what it seems,

Though it may rob you blind.


Come back if you’re brave enough,

Courageous enough,

Strong enough.

But I won’t be waiting on that front porch.

Your time is all up. 


Lindsey Smith said...

Did you write that? I mean really girl, WOW! I felt like shedding a few tears, so sad and so real. I have been there and it's NO FUN at all. Missed you tonight, wish you were here!

Anonymous said...

You are amazing!!! I have felt the pain you are feeling, it feels so lonely and it is so hard, but that is what is making you an incredible, intelligent and strong, young women. You know who you are and that is what matters. What got me through those hard times, was inspirational church music, it was all I wanted to listen to. I know weird huh, but it truly helped! I love you Andy and I miss you, hang in there it is all worth it!