Saturday, April 5, 2008

Frustrations and Annoyances

Well, well, well... Lots of things have happened to me and others around me this week. And my Internet was down the whole time!!!! ARGG!!! Anywho, the play that my school is putting on is on Monday of this next week. I think we are all really REALLY stressed. The two play practices have been hard on all of us. Everyone has been bratty and under a lot of stress. Especially since our director is not a director but a choreographer. For those who do not know: Choreographers Choreograph for a reason; THEY CANT DIRECT! But he is a great man all in all. Very talented, just inexperienced
The problem that I have seen in this Jr. High experience is that people have major miscommunication problems. People are saying things to the wrong people, about the wrong people. And that's all I have to say.

Last Minute Thoughts:
1. When you are causing pain to your friend for fun, you aren't their real friend. 
2. Plays are good, but musicals are better.
3. Whining helps nothing and just gives people a headache.

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