Sunday, November 30, 2008

(:Christmas Has Officially Thrown Up All Over Us:)

Well its that time of year again!!!!!!!
I cant tell you how very excited I am for this Christmas Season!
It is the best time in the world!
So here are some pictures that show that yes, we are not an exception to the Christmas bonanza of boxes and decorations that are being exploded in our house. I'm sure you guys feel it to as Christmas has definitely vomited on us! Its okay though!:) I love the decorations and the little Santa figures and the snowflakes and the snowmen and the penguins and the MUSIC! I finally have an excuse to play Christmas Music! It is my favorite by far, and they are the easier ones to sing too!:)

Thursday, November 27, 2008

-Energy Vommitting all OVER Me-

You all know that I love people - remember its their decisions that I don't like - but man some people just get on my nerves!

So for those of you who still don't know my true nature, let me enlighten you:

1. I am stubborn. Who ever tells you other wise is lying.
2. I am Hardheaded.
3. I am passionate about what I believe in. And don't try to sway me cause you wont get far.
4. When people attack me, I attack back.
5. I love my family.
6. I love when people engage me in a good conversation.
7. I am very entertaining. No seriously, people who don't even know me tell me that!
8. When I'm wrong, I'm wrong and please call me on it. I'm not being sarcastic there. But saying that, I am usually right. 'Usually' being used as a loose word.
9. I am very conservative. I love business and the money that it permits people to have!
10. Despite of what people think, I actually love my cousin and I am very VERY happy when she gets stuff that I don't! (Relatives that know me and Meghan better believe me on this or else...:( ).
11. Life is too short to be jealous of others. Just be happy for them and stop being JEALOUS. Jeez...
12. I am a loaded Pistol. Get in my way and just plan on being shot - or slapped:).

Well there it is. Just wanted to clarify some things before I 'accidentally shot' someone.
Now people, since most of those 12 points are in my thoughts daily, there will be no Last Minute Thoughts today.
Hope you had a great time at Thanksgiving and on Black Friday! I did!:)

Love Ya!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

The Twilight Mess

Well... I saw Twilight last night....
I have to say that I was more disappointed than when the new president was elected about a month ago. 
I really really REALLY wanted it to be as good as people said it was. 
But alas... it wasn't. Edward was ugly, but I already knew that before the show even started filming. 
Bella was emotion less until the very end, and when she did show some emotion, it was forced and embarrassing. 
The characters I did like were Emmett and Charlie - oh and Jacob was the best looking character they had! They were PERFECT! Every scene with them were really good. But one scene that I did like was when Bella and Edward showed up in his not-the-right-car Volvo and every one was staring and she said "Everyone is staring" and then he said "Well not him, oh yes he just looked. Oh well" (reminding you I didn't get the wording exactly right but that's the gist of it. 
But all the other scenes when they were together, were just.... what's the right word I'm looking for...  Awkward. 
I didn't think that it would be that bad, but it was!
My mom on the other hand loved it, but like I have said before, she is just as insane as I am, but it grows worse with age I guess.
I wanted it to be good, but as stated before, it was really uncomfortable - like your watching your friends make out uncomfortable. Yes, for me, it was that bad. 
Another thing I would like to point out is that they are going to have a REALLY hard time with making the forth movie. Renesmee obviously cant be played or acted by a 10 month old. She would have to be totally CGI and I really don't think they have that kinda technology yet. Maybe in 5-10 years, but by then the actors would be, well 5-10 years older and vampires are NOT supposed to age. 
Oh and the special effects were kinda low grade. No not kinda, really low grade. 
They are already working on the second one and I don't know how they are going to butcher it up anymore next time. Its going to be a miracle if they get it anywhere near the book. Because, to be honest, they didn't get it even close to the book. 
But I guess I'm glad they didn't cause now I don't associate it with the book at all and that's a good thing. 

There is my opinion. Your wasting your time if you try to change it, so leave it be. 

Last Minute Thoughts:
1. I love the movie Hairspray! It is one of the best movies I have seen!
2. I wish I could be in California right now...
3. Sleep is the most greatest thing that I have ever indulged in! Until it is interrupted in stupid and weird dreams. 
4. Not having school is the BEST!
5. With out friends, I would live a sad existence. 
6. Go and read the Twilight books again. They are so much better than the movie.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Things to Give Thanks For:)

Thanksgiving Jokes!!!:

If the Pilgrims were alive today, what would they be most famous for?
Their AGE

Why can't you take a turkey to church?
Because they use such FOWL language

What do you get when you cross a turkey with an octopus?
Enough drumsticks for Thanksgiving

The pro football team had just finished their daily practice session when a large turkey came strutting onto the field. While the players gazed in amazement, the turkey walked up to the head coach and demanded a tryout. Everyone stared in silence as the turkey caught pass after pass and ran right through the defensive line. When the turkey returned to the sidelines, the coach shouted, "You're terrific!!! Sign up for the season, and I'll see to it that you get a huge bonus." "Forget the bonus," the turkey said, "All I want to know is, does the season go past Thanksgiving Day?"

A man in Florida, in his 80s, calls his son in New York one November day.
The father says to the son, "I hate to tell you, but we've got some troubles here in the house. Your mother and I can't stand each other anymore, and we're getting a divorce. I've had it! I want to live out the rest of my years in peace. I'm telling you now, so you and your sister shouldn't go into shock later when I move out."
He hangs up, and the son immediately calls his sister in the Hampton and tells her the news. The sister says, "I'll handle this."
She calls Florida and says to her father, "Don't do ANYTHING till we get there! We'll be there Wednesday night." The father agrees, "All right." He hangs up the phone and hollers to his wife, "Okay, they're coming for Thanksgiving. Now, what are we going to tell them for Christmas?"

So here I am with my two bestest buddies that are in a 500 mile range!!!!!!! Drum roll please!:
Say hi Erica:
Say Hi Smouse:
Hi.... (timidly)
I love them and I miss them so much at times! Hopefully they will stay in my life forever! 

Last Minute Thoughts:
1. I am turning 16 in 37 days and I cannot WAIT! Even though I probably wont get asked out, its still way fun to be 16!!!
2. Erica has a good voice.
3. I love Smouse.
4. I love Taylor Swifts new CD.
5. I think that all boys named Preston are really good looking boys.
7. I hope that I get a phone that works really soon.....:(
8. Update on Thanksgiving in California: We arent going... Im really sad about it too!

Have a great holiday people!

Saturday, November 15, 2008


So I have some experiences that I would like to share. 
This week and last I had some intense need to get money. I was kinda in debt and that is one of the worst feelings that I have ever had. It was like pressure on my chest and like I couldn't breathe when I thought about what I owed. So I looked at my tithing output and that was the problem. I made over 100 dollars this week due to the fact that I decided that all the money I got would go to tithing. 
I was shocked. 
I am never going to get behind in tithing ever again.
I am entirely pleased and blessed by what Heavenly Father has shown me this past week. 
Tithing really is a big deal. 

Last Minute Thoughts:
1. The world is coming to an end. Better stock up on food storage. 
2. Moods are interesting due to the fact that people believe that they control us, when in fact we control them.
3. Randomness should be awarded.
4. For those who think that I am insane due to any amount of circumstances - i.e. mother, siblings, temper, living situations - your wrong. I choose to be insane. My life is probably more exciting than yours due to that fact too.
5. Okay, not that I hate babies or anything but the thing is, I have a hard enough time remembering my aunts and uncles names so don't expect me to remember your children's names. Its that or stop having babies. You choose.
6. If you haven't noticed I am a little pissy, but that's okay cause I'm a little bit bipolar to so it will end up with me crying and then wanting to sing in like 30 minutes.
7. I hate those boys who lead me on and then turn it around to look like I have a huge Ego just for thinking that they liked me. NEWS FLASH!: I am a charming, intelligent, gorgeous, strong, hell of a woman, and if I think someone likes me THERE IS A REASON TO IT.
8. If I have a problem with you, its probably because there is something in your character that I have and I really don't like about my self. I'm working on it. Bear with me please.
9. This is a really long list of last minute thoughts. Its longer than the post even. 
10. I love people, I just hate their stupid decisions. 
11. (Last one I promise) Out of the courtesy of your hearts: never invite someone to a party in front of a person you don't plan to invite. that is the lowest kind of tack less act there is. 

Saturday, November 8, 2008

!¡!HeR EyEs¡!¡

I was dinkin' around on my dads camera yesterday and here is the product! This segment of photos are really a portrait of not only me, but an enhancement of my eyes. I really haven't thought that they were pretty until now. I see how really truly amazing they are:) Enjoy!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Day

Here is an funny story for you:
Today in World Civ we were watching a web video that was talking about the election. They for casted that Obama was going to win and I made a disgusted noise in the back of my throat. About a minute later a girl named Cassidy turned to me and asked if I was going to become a politician. I laughed and said 'No'. Then she asked what I was going to be and I told her that I wanted to become a Psychologist - yes a psychologist:). She nodded and turned back around.
So here is what I'm thinking: I let people know what I think.
That class is filled with politics and of course you all know me as an outspoken girl with some attitude, so generally I have stuff to say.
About a month ago, an almost same scenario happened.
We were talking about some controversial topic - what topic isn't nowadays?! - and I voiced my opinion. I didn't say it in a demanding way, just a way that let my opinion be known.
A boy that had the opposite view as me said his thoughts right after mine and a guy that I knew from 2 years ago leaned over and said, "Don't argue with her. She always wins."
I laughed really hard that day:)

So what does this have to do with the election?
Well nothing but I thought it would be a fun beginning.
The truth is, there is a big BIG chance that Obama will be president. My choice is that I will just go along with the ride. It will be a huge adventure and it might be kinda interesting to see what will happen. With a democrat president, the house and the senate just fight and get nothing done. But isn't that what we want? For the government to do nothing in our daily lives? That's what I want. Big government is always a bad idea.
So take that and ponder. Or not. I don't care.

Last Minute Thoughts:
1. There are a surprising amount of Obama supporters in Utah.
2. Socialism is the new 'Black' ... ;)
3. Gamers are annoying.
4. Work hard, eat right and then die.
