Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Panties in a Wad

I cant believe how uptight some people are. Granted, I'm not talking about things like alcohol, drugs, or immoral acts. I'm talking about how much people really are strung and how tightly pulled some peoples internal piano wires are. Its kind of a funny story how I got on this topic. Today in English we had a substitute. She. Was. A. Beast. We were supposed to work on our research papers, which half of mine is already done, and she wouldn't let us use our phones, ipods, or have any water bottles or such. I was like, "Really? Isn't there sub code that requires you NOT to CARE about stuff like that?" Seriously. Then she told us to sit spaced out so that we wouldn't 'disturb' each other, meanwhile she would walk around and ask certain students - the ones that didn't make fun of her - questions about our research topics. These weren't one word answer questions either. They were, "What are your thoughts on the action US government is using in Lybia...?" kinda questions. It makes me a bit crazy to tell you the truth. I am an adult. Legally 18 anyways. And this was ridiculous. Best yet, she chose to stand right over me almost the whole time. I'm kinda done with people like that. But, God loves them and so should I. Doesn't mean I do though! HAHAH! Love, Andie:)

Monday, March 7, 2011


Cathartic - an emotional purging.

That's kind of what writing is for me.
That and music is what lets me release what is all bottled up inside.

My high school career is at the end of its road. Seriously. We've had 12 years of schooling now and it has gone by like that.
I'm finding it hard to feel sad or emotionally attached to my last 3 years of high school.
To be completely honest - people at Bountiful High are douche-bags.
The guys are cocky and arrogant and not to mention so shallow that fish would drowned in those waters. If your thinking I'm exaggerating, ask anyone that wanders those red brick walls, they will tell you the same thing.

Truly beautiful people have it really hard. I feel bad for them. And please spare me the "Andie, your beautiful." spiel, I know I am. But not like some of the people that go to my school. Its like people are taking prenatal beautiful pills that make their children gorgeous. I'm. Not. Kidding.

But there are some people there that make me rethink how amazing people really are, when they aren't in front of an audience.

Hayden - and no, that is not his real name - for example. I have had a crush on him since 2nd grade and to tell you the truth, he is an amazing guy. Brilliantly smart and hot too. He has the whole package to be honest. Plus, he talks to me and smiles at me in the halls. This might not be a big deal, but since I have aerobics and yoga every day, I have given up trying to be cute at school - so it is a big deal.

Men are visual creatures. And no matter how you put it, they like pretty things. Shiny things. And beautiful things. Its not a surprise and its expected and truthfully, I like pretty things too!
~~~~~~~~~Side story. Today I took Ari, Hannah, Aidan, and Sydney to get slushies after school and while I was backing out of the parking spot, there was an amazingly striking guy walking out. I had to tell myself to look back at the road because I was in danger of crashing into another car! But this just proves my point! Humans love pretty. Thats probably why I love What Not To Wear and Americas Next Top Model, I love to see something transformed from 'Eww' to 'WOW'.

But back to my point. The boys (and thats what they are, boys) at B-Town High are shallow, and crude, and I want out. Now. I want a returned missionary. I want a first date. I want a first kiss. I want to be taken to Prom and wear a pretty dress. And I probably wont get that in the next 12 weeks of high school. But that is ultimately okay! It builds character! Stay clean right? Yeah. Thats my mantra right now!

I am happy right now.
Heavenly Father is showing me that I deserve amazing things, and I just have to work for them, and also believe that I deserve them. Work hard, and let God do the rest. Thats my new mantra.

Happy Reading People!
