Friday, January 13, 2012

She Threw It Out the Window To See a Little Butter-Fly

This campus is beautiful. My campus is absolutely stunning. And I can walk from one end to the other in about 10 minutes.
Suck that Utah University.
Anyways, I am now a new proud MacBook owner!
I found a used MacBook for about 589.00 on Ebay. Great deal. It works great so far!!:)
I do have a problem with some software though. I brought the Word software with me but since its from 2004, my Mac won't install it. LAME.
But that is okay. I will deal!

Edge of Desire from John Mayer is one of my favorite songs at the moment.
He might be a dick in real life, but that boy can sure sing.
This semester is going to be great.

I am trying my hardest to get at least a 3.7 GPA this time. Last semester was kind of sucky, but I won't make the same mistakes that I did last year.

Its funny how time flies. I've now finished a semester of College and have met some great new people along the way.

I have decided that there is no capacity limit on how many people you can love or let into your life. Sure, the bigger the more complicated, but I have to add that there is more joy as well!

I have never had a problem with being real. Anything that I say, I mean. The majority of the time that gets me into trouble, but at least I can say that I never said something I didn't mean.
That being said, I have a problem with people who are fake. When can I trust them? Who are they when they are alone? What on earth do they mean when they say cryptic sentences? See how annoying that could get?!

The only thing I can really say that would fix this problem would be to love them. Love does fix all emotional problems. Its the love of our Brother Jesus Christ that lets us repent and become perfect. So there is hope for everyone - especially me.

Any ways! Its time for Bio 1610 now!

Love you all!

1 comment:

TnD said...

It was so great to have you and your family in CA. Come back again soon.