Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Friends and Their Boyfriends

I have been thinking about something pretty serious for a long time now. What does someone do when one of your best friend is pushing you away because of a boyfriend? She either doesn't know that she is pushing me away (and everyone else for that matter), or she just doesn't care. I love her to death and she is one of the best people I have met, but if she doesn't wake up and smell the vacancy of her best friends, she will be very lonely for a while. 
This boy is making her into someone she is NOT. She is beginning not to care about any thing or one anymore. The worst part is that we have told her, time and time again that she is becoming some one we don't care for, and she is closing her eyes to the subject. 
I am deciding not to care.

Last Minute Thoughts
1. P. Diddy is hot!
2. Giant Chickens are scary.
3. To people who think the world is going to end: Chooo Crazy Man!!!!


1 comment:

Anna said...

Hey Andie if you're talking about the person I think you're talking about, she's NOT pushing you away. She feels super bad that you feel that she is pushing you away when she isn't. She tries to "devote" time to you and other girls instead of always being with the guy she likes. She's trying really really me.