Wednesday, May 28, 2008

I Have Authority Figure Issues..... or Just Plain Stupid People Issues

Yep you heard me, I have issues, BIG issues. Especially issues with younger people than me giving me advise when #1 I don't want it and #2, I didn't ask for it. I am a very Dominant personality, to put it gently. So when someone is telling me to do something that I don't want to do or that I feel forced, I retaliate. Sure its not the greatest quality, but its helpful when your belief system is not the one that's wrong. Younger people are great but they don't know what the heck they are doing and they don't want to realize that what they are doing is stupid. But its good for their experience. I also hate it when those same young people are going around talking crap about me behind my back. Especially when that stuff is ludicrous in the first place! If you have a freaking problem with me you need to talk to me first! Golly gee people.... its like we didn't learn how to talk to others and explain our feelings like we were suppose to IN FIRST GRADE! 
The main problems I have are from miscommunication and then people just get mean about it. I love all people, I just really hate stupid people. 

Last Minute Thoughts:
1. Sunscreen when you go to a major amusement park is definitely a good idea.
2. Red skin is not attractive.
3. People make up lies and then it just shows how good of a person they really are. 

1 comment:

♥қ.®.Í.ś.‡.α♥ said...

so is this what you honestly think of me Andie?? Wow. how mature. make a whole blog about it!!! like i said:very mature.