Friday, January 1, 2010

Nothing Monumental. But Just The Same.

This year has been full of ups downs and sideways situations and happenings. Maybe I expected to much from this year and was disappointed with the outcome. Am I disappointed? I'll get back to you on that. Am I slightly annoyed and enlightened at the same time. Was it supposed to be a fantastic year? Yes. Was it? Yes! But in the way I wanted? That's the question.

So I put together a list of what i've learned and compile this past year.

1. Don't tempt God. He will prove you wrong and sorry at the same time.
2. You can be happy and miserable at the same time.
3. Right when you think it'll get worse it gets significantly better.
4. The weaknesses we pick for ourselves aren't the ones we actually live with.
5. The ends are just the beginnings.
6. There is a reason the past is called the past. Cause there Aint nothin you can do to change it.
7. There is a time and place for laughing, jokes and tomfoolery. Church is not one of them.
8. Music heals. It also rips apart.
9. Late night runs to wendy's and mcdonald's are some of the best!
10. You don't know the half of my crap that I have. That's one of Gods tender mercies to me.
11. Admitting you have the issues doesn't make them magically disappear!

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