Tuesday, June 28, 2011

~ A Whole Lot To Do, and NO Time To Do It ~

Moving Day Count Down:
52 Days.

I'm leaving home on August 17th to go down to Cedar City for SUU.
Every time I think about this it gives me butterflies. I seriously cannot wait. But at the same time, I've experienced this bittersweet after taste to the 'I'm almost outta here' attitude.
And to be completely honest, I think mom has finally started to realize that this is the real deal here. I'm really moving out.
I'm really starting my life.
I'm really going to be on my own.
Of course I have some doubts and fears about what is going to be happening in the next little while, but if I keep strong to the scriptures and the gospel, I have a feeling that those thoughts will slowly go away.

My best friend is leaving on Sunday.
She is the only person who I have truly loved and would do anything for since 9th grade.
She leaves for college in Pittsburgh - after her tour around Europe - and I probably wont see her till Christmas.
First of all, I'm absolutely pissed that I don't get more time with her this summer. We have only had about 3 weeks of it, and that isn't even a 3rd of the time I have here in Bountiful.

I have learned through a lot of experiences this summer that the unexpected will happen no matter how prepared you are, or you think you are.
I person I thought I held dear turned out to be a fake.
I got a promotion that I have been praying for for weeks now.
My little red car died on me a week and a half ago.
But from all that, I think that the lesson is: Take trials with a good and humble attitude and the consequences wont be a bad as they seem to be.
Plus no one likes a Debbie Downer!

I want to thank everyone who has written and sent cards for my graduation. That really was so thoughtful and nice of you guys.

Graduation was a blast and I am so so SO happy that it is finally over. I cannot convey the immense relief and happiness that I get from knowing that I never have to go back to High School again. Especially Bountiful High.

The next few weeks will be so interesting.
I have to buy a new car.
My family is trying to get a new house and move out.
Get a new Macbook.
And save up enough money for my housing in Cedar.

Wish me good luck guys! I'm gonna need it:)

Last Minute Thoughts:
1. I love the show Psych.
2. I am getting some feelings of Nostalgia every time I pass my high school.
3. I am so dang proud of my cousin Meghan for being so brave and Christ-like going down to Ecuador and helping those little orphans.
4. I cannot help but give another amazing Air-Hug to MaRea Hess. She has helped me so much with information on computers and phones, I seriously would be lost in that department without her!
5. I love peanut butter.
6. I love chocolate.
7. I am so glad that I have learned how to work and be a good employee now.
8. I love my parents so dang much.
9. Missing my family will probably be the hardest thing for me down at SUU.
10. I get so excited thinking about going to IKEA to shop for dorm stuff!!!:)

Love you all!


1 comment:

MaRea Hess said...

My great ideas for your new macbook has panned out as planned. I am still SOOO depressed that they are not doing the same back to school promotion this year:(!!!!!! I'm still secretly hopping that they will change it to a free i pod touch, not going to happen. I'm so excited for your journey ahead of you!! You ROCK!!!