Monday, November 9, 2009

Outta The Victim Mode

Im back!
I thought it would be a good time to actually focus on my life in a good light. We've had tons of negative, now for the positive!

Back at work, the dreaded witch assistant Manager was demoted (snicker snicker) and a new one has been put in her place. Now all she is: a cashier. Funny and sad all at the same time. I kinda feel bad for her, but it did do a great job of humbling her.
Now work is back to being fun and great and I have a wonderful time there!

School. I am determined to get an A in math this term. Last term I skimmed by on a C and that just isnt acceptable. I so know that I can do better.

Friends. I love all my friends, and once I figured out that they are doing the best they can with what they are given, it gave me a swift kick in the pants and I loved them for trying. They really do the best they can, and its my job to help them by being a good supportive loving friend.

Seriously. Today I have a math quiz and a history test and all I can think of is how great today is gonna be. My switch from victim to... non-victim? Idk the word for the opposite. But anyways, once that switch was made, it got a ton better and I finally see that I am a naturally happy person and I love to make people happy.

Last Minute Thoughts:
1. I havent washed my jeans in over 4 weeks....
2. I need to wash my jeans...
3. This summer, and I am alittle ashamed of this, I spent over $700.00 on school clothes alone.
4. The Holidays are coming and I am so dang excited!!!!:):):)
5. I seriously want to start blasting Christmas music, but the thought of my mom slapping me and telling me to turn it off always diverts me from it haha.
6. My iPod is acting weird.
7. I need a new iPod.
8. I love my new phone.
9. I have to pee. Thats weird cause I just peed and I havent had anything to drink today.
10. I LOVE animal print. I seriously have fallen in love with the trend and when it falls out of style I will still be wearing my Zebra rainboots!

Love you all and hope your doing fantasic!!!


1 comment:

Lindsey Smith said...

I just love you. I am so ready for some SNOW and Christmas music so I'm with you on that one, but like you I think my dear hubby with give me the look and i hate that look:)