Tuesday, August 16, 2011

What to Do The World Views and EXACTLY Where to Put Them

It seems like there are just more and more heart breaking cases of immoral behavior among teenagers.
Girls addicted to pornography, Stake Presidents daughters getting pregnant, Stake Presidents wives having sex with missionaries.... it just goes on and on.
I'm getting discouraged.
If all of the 'good guys' I know that went on their missions are coming back a week after they left, where are the actual Good Guys? If some of my best friends are making choices that will dictate their future - for worse - what chance will I stand?
The worst part about my friends is that they don't understand what exactly they are doing wrong - sorry understand is the wrong word. Realize, they don't realize. Some of them actually do realize what they are doing but they are so self-involved that they are in denial that the actions they are committing will hurt them in the long run.
'I'm just experiencing what a regular teenager is suppose to do!'
'I haven't had sex. It only counts if you have sex.'
'It isn't a big deal Andie. This is my life, I can live it the way I want to.'
And my favorite excuse : "I'm a different person than I was. I don't believe in some of the same things you do anymore."

Guess what.
They know exactly what they are doing. Their spirits are SCREAMING inside: 'STOP!'

Why the hell do I even try anymore?

Why cant I find someone who agrees with me to the same extent that their actions will follow?

Why are my best friends not who I thought them to be?

I guess why this scares me so much is because if it happens so easily for them, how easy can I fall and slip on this very slippery slope? What is keeping me from doing the same things? What examples do I have to keep my actions and future in perspective?

I have made a commitment to myself that I will not have any SEXUAL RELATIONS (and everything that that entails)* before marriage, and then once I am married, I will keep SEXUAL RELATIONS between my spouse and I - and NO ONE ELSE.

I have to hand it to my amazing Aunt Angie. I heard a long time ago that she had simple rules for dating and kissing to keep her away from certain situations that would get her in trouble. Some of these are hers, and all of them are endorsed by the church:
No kissing while parked in a car
No kissing while laying down
No kissing on a bed
No kissing on a couch
No sleep-overs with guys PERIOD
Do NOT be totally alone in a bedroom with a guy
Double dates only

A lot of these are the same standards of the church and I agree wholeheartedly to each and everyone of these rules.
I am making a contract before I leave for school that entails each and everyone of these rules and I will sign it and put it up on my wall in my apartment - right above my bed.
Have these talks with your children when they are ready. Five year olds are kinda young by the way...
If children know from the get go that sexual relations are prohibited - AND WHY - they are less likely to do them.

Another point that I heard, and agree with, from my dear friend Sydney, was that teenagers do not need phones with Internet on them. Heaven knows that we don't need to be on Facebook 24 hours a day. I am trying - probably in vain - to keep my fb hours to a minimum of 1 a day.

I know this sounds like a lecture - and it is - but I sincerely want the people I love the most to know what is going around them.
Sex is everywhere. Movies, magazines, music videos, music, Internet, stores, ANYWHERE YOU LOOK THERE IS BOUND TO BE SOMETHING ABOUT SEX.
The best way to defend against it, is to not look. Easier said than done, I know. But it works.


*If you are wondering what that entails, go look in the Strength for Youth or the church website. If you need help further, please talk to a parent or heck, me! I will answer any questions you need strictly from the LDS Church's point of view.

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