If anyone really knows me, they know that I love boys who are at least 6'2''. Basketball is my favorite sport. I had a crush on my next door neighbor - who is married and has two kids - because he is 1) a bball player at, I think, 6'7'' and 2) an amazing person.
All of my highschool heart throbs were above 6'4'', the tallest being 6'6''. I just love the tall guys.
So who am I just falling for hard? oh just some guy who is - I think - shorter that me. To protect my dignity and his, I wont name names, but let me tell you: he is an amazing person. I will be so jealous of his future wife.
Can I just say how absolutely amazing college is?
I just love love LOVE this:)
Sure the homework is killer, and I am almost positive I might lose my scholarship, but seriously: its all good!
I love having 5 boy neighbors who come over without calling or even asking. I love how they just walk in. I. Love. It.
I love how much my roommate and I are alike.
I love how I can get whatever I want at the grocery store and not have to worry about little munchkins getting into it:)
I love not having a curfew - even though I impose one on myself just because its safer for me like that.
I love being able to call myself a college student.
I love having guys who are off their missions already around all the time.
I love how I get to meet all these new people and not have any prejudices or predisposed opinions on them or them having those same thoughts against me.
I love how I can tell people what I really think and not be seen as outrageous or scary or intimiading, because others will stand up for what they believe in and debate with me about it.
I love when class is cancelled:)
I bascially love everything about this little town except the no shopping and the massive homework.
Now I have to go to bed because I am gettin up in the morning to go to work and earn my money.
Love you all!
P.S. Thanks for reading, even if you dont leave a comment - it makes me feel loved!
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