Wednesday, September 24, 2008


So today in World Civ, we watched a new broadcast that is produced by young adults for young adults. Its called Channel One and is put for everyone to see on the Internet and there was a story on today about how there is a petition going around trying to get the legal drinking age down to 18. The scary part is that the website posted a poll and asked whether or not it should be changed to 18, stay at 21 or to some other age. Here are the horrifying results:
18 - 64%
21 - 17%
Other - 19%

I know that most every person that voted was under the age of 19, but this is still shocking. I just hope that the people who do make the decision see how much chaos they will be creating if they lower the age. 
In class I brought up some really good points for discussion - naturally - and they were all taken very well:
1. A humans brain does not fully develop till age 21 so this would be crippling the youth willingly. Its almost like the tobacco dilemma except when a drunk 18 year old is put behind the wheel it could have exceptionally more damage on the community. Which brings me to number 
2. This would make the drunk driving statistics sky rocket (in my educated estimated opinion). Its like giving a 2 year old a loaded gun! Adding to the fact that these legal adults have only had at most 2 years of driving experience. Then to the already 300,000* young adults dying every year because of car accidents. 
3. Now that we are very close to becoming adults, I think that we need to look at things as adults. So I thought even if my generation is older than 21 if this change does occur, we would have to think about our children facing this problem. There are seniors that have turned 18 already at my school and for them to be drunk at school while driving to lunch is absolutely unacceptable. And how would they regulate the 18-year-olds at school? By breathalyzer tests before they walk in the school doors? I dont think so.
4. Some people did bring up the point of how 17 year olds can go off to war and kill people before they are legally an adult so they can enjoy a drink. I believe that you can go and defend your country at any age - no matter what you do from enrolling to posting a flag in your yard - and that is what enrolling in the army is: PROTECTING YOUR CONTRY, not just killing people and not just holding a gun and looking pretty;)

Back to the point. I really hope and pray that this law isnt passed. It would be absolutely catastrophic. 

Last Minute Thoughts:
1. No matter who you are, no one sings well with an iPod attached to their ears.
2. Its true what they say, High School never ends.
3. Carrots are good.
4. Al Gore is bad.
5. And always be yourself, unless you suck.

Love YA!!!!

*Drive Right Tenth Edition, Page 10

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