Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Though High School is very fun and exciting, the only thing that I don't like about it is the time consuming, overbearing, mother-in-law called Homework. I could kick myself over and over again at how absolutely idiotic I was for not doing the homework sooner that I put off. Speaking of which, I tend to have a problem with just waiting till the very VERY last moment to do it. Like right now for example, I just wait and wait and post on my blog instead. I'm supposed to be doing a World Civ outline - that has taken my friends more than two days to complete - that I haven't even touched yet. Oh and its due Friday. Gunnarson always gives us the most time consuming homework that I have ever done in my life. 
But on other topics - kinda - I am doing very well in math! Its amazing what positive thinking will get you! I just was confident and told myself over and over that I was good at math and then Voila! I got a 92% on my math test! That's a high score for me, and I am very proud of it:).
Okay I have put this off for long enough. Gotta go do the homework now. 

Last Minute Thoughts:
1. The best part of blogging is the comments (hint, hint)
2. It is so easy to manipulate people, its just about reading them;)
3. If you get a chance to catch up on homework, you better well take it!
4. I want to slap Gunnarson!

Till next time!


Anna said...

Same here! I'll put off reading War of the Worlds till the time I'm SUPPOSED to go to bed. Then I stay up till about 11 just trying to understand it!

MaRea Hess said...

I totally agree with you, positive thinking can do amazing things. I thought I was bad at math for many years, until I told myself that I was good at it. Math became one of my favorite subjects. Andy you have such a fun personality, you are such and enjoyable person. I am so lucky to be your Aunt, Now get my name on your blog. I'm going to start feeling like I am on of the least favorite Aunts!!!

Andie Bonze said...

I totally understand anna!!! I really didnt like that book! The movie will be even worse trust me:(

rickie lee said...

hey look!! i'm commenting!!:)

Andie Bonze said...

haha thanks for the comments people! Your My FavoriteS!!!