Thursday, October 9, 2008

HA! I Finished!!!

Yes I know! Its wonderful! Omg! I finished my project for Gunnarsons class:) its awesome I tell  you! I feel so free! But the bad thing is that once we turn in our project we have to take a test on it. He is officially the King of the worst assignment dates ever. Wait. That should be capitalized. On a different note: Thanks so much for the comments!!! Most - well no not most of you - got the hint and left one for me:) Thanks so much! Its like a present on the Internet! 
Oh and another note - Ha! I could create a symphony with all these notes! - I think I lost my voice due to the screaming and yelling at young women's Volleyball. I'm actually kinda scared that I lost my singing voice for good, or damaged it really bad:( That is not good at all! So if you have any suggestions on how I could fix that I would love them:).
Okay I gotta get to bed. Its late and I need a shower still!

Last Minute Thoughts:
1. I love that people love me! (If you want the whole story just call me or something:)
2. When teachers tease you, they actually like you a lot:)
3. I just found out that I have no feelings for Zack anymore! This is a huge accomplishment!
4. I want to shoot myself when I leave either my phone or my iPod at home (its sick and pathetic how attached we can get to these things).
Till Next Time:)

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