Sunday, October 12, 2008

Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow:)

I cant tell you how extremely excited I am because it snowed! I love the snow! I kinda like being cold more than hot. You can always get warmer, but when your hot, it takes a lot to get colder. But good news for those who really don't like the snow: It was only for Sunday. It will get warmer (if you can call 60 degrees warmer) and it probably wont snow for a good two weeks after this - again just me speculating, but as people already know, I'm kinda always right:). 
But as a dedicated fan of winter, I have to tell you my favorite parts of it:

10. My dad making a fire and standing in front of it while watching a movie with the family.
9. Getting to put on Christmas Music!!!!
8. Getting to drink Hot Coco because your cold:)
7. Watching the fog and snow come down - I cant describe the feeling of watching that sight. Its just fantastic!
6. Getting to eat the gingerbread men (the ones that aren't for decoration) and every thing else having to do with Thanksgiving and Christmas.
5. Making good food with my family.
4. Wrapping Christmas presents:).
3. Eating Thanksgiving dinner with my big family:)
2. Waking up Christmas morning and just being happy! Not because of the presents but because of the great feelings that are around.
And my # 1 Reason would be:
1. Getting to turn 16!!!! 

Well you can obviously tell the main theme coming from most of this and its the Holidays! I cannot tell you how excited I am! Oh and my birthday is coming up:) As you can tell I am counting the days to that awesome day! I don't want a lot for my birthday, but here are some examples (hint hint):
1. Chi
2. New cell phone
3. Some new clothes
4. Money
5. .... I cant really think of anything else. OH wait never mind I want my nails done too:)

Well that's my train(s) of thought. I'm done now. 

Last Minute Thoughts:
1. Math still sucks no matter whether you get it or not.
2. Some one who wants to teach math has something wrong wired in their head.
3. I love cottage cheese:)
4. Thanks to my aunt MaRea who led me to a diet plan that really does work and I am loving it!:)

 See ya till next time:)


Laura B. said...

I love snow!!! Its wonderful!! :) ...even though i hate being cold, its still amazing!

Andie Bonze said...

hhah I know!
Im so glad you agree with me lol:)