Friday, March 6, 2009

~`Closing Time`~

We all really need an escape. Either from family, work, school or friends. Maybe all four.

I really am happy. Naturally I am a happy person. Lately bringing that 'Natural Andie' out has been really hard. Decisions are constantly being made and needing to be made. I still haven't decided which High School to go to next year. Or maybe I wont go to the school I want to choose. Maybe God has a bigger plan for me.

Recently I have picked Woods Cross for my place of choosing. But now friends are scattering. There will never be another year like this one, or the last one, or the one before that. Each hold a unique part of my life. I owe who I am today to those choices I made all those years ago.

People say that its not good to dwell on the past. But what about Adam and Eve? He brought it back to the beginning. Wasn't he the best example - besides Christ who is the most perfect example of all - to take from?

Three more months to go before I start my summer of '09. I cant tell you how excited I am for that:)! My friends already know what I'm talking about;). Boating the first day out babes!!!!

I sometimes wonder what the future holds for me. Will I be rich? Will I be successful? Will I be a leader of a nation or a leader of a small family? Will I be an accomplished writer? Will I be a surgeon? (Probably not but still!) Will I learn immensely from what ever God gives me?

This month I have worked on getting rid of being Judgemental. It really is a problem for me. It wasn't before but now it has worked its way up to the surface and is ready to be gotten rid of. By personal experience I know that the only way to do this is by R&R. I have gotten rid of so many character flaws with this process! Some of the people I know don't believe that it works or that it is good, but believe me when I say that it is the best thing that I have ever done in my life. The Tongues of Babes my friends.

I am tired of not being taken seriously. Just because I am a 16 year old with raging emotions and hormones doesn't mean I cant change the world. People, I have.

I changed not only my world, but the worlds of those around me.

I really am amazing. But it has taken me so long to figure that out!

I'm sick of girls that pretend to be stupid to get attention. I'm sick of the girls who criticize them in front of the whole class. I am sick of double standards.

Please believe me when I say that I will kick your ass if you challenge me to a battle of beliefs. I will win. I always do.
Back in my debate class, I got all the attention, all the awards, all the recognition because I was truly the best. But that wasn't just due to me, but to all the people in that class that helped me. Laura was a huge inspiration and Jo was just a fun way to get my feelings out:).
By the end of the school year, no one really wanted me to duel them because in reality, my team always won.
You should have heard the paper I wrote on Capital Punishment!!! It was amazing! But that wasn't all me either, it was mostly my dad that inspired me on that one. He really is my idol and always will be. I love him with all my heart. By the end people were applauding me on what I said! I changed some minds too:).

I love you all, but your decisions sadden me.
I am not kidding when I say that I am always right. Ask anyone. But I guess that's the curse. No one listens, and in the end, I really end up being right. Sad hu?

So in closing: I love people, I hate their stupid decisions. I am always right. And I really cant seem to see what God has in store for me.
Oh and P.S. This post might be braggy and a little bratty, but I really don't care. Its my own blog. Read with discretion;).

Last Minute Thoughts:
1. Up until now I really didn't think that I wanted a lot of kids, but babies are just a delight!!!
2. I cant wait till the summer!
3. Obedient children are an underrated wonderment.
4. Big breasts are annoying....
5. There is nothing like a big cold glass of water after a run:).
6. Being sweaty at school is not very fun.
7. I have two opposites in me: The Very Immature and Funny Andie and The Very Mature Insightful Andie. I love them both.
8. Variety is really the spice of life.
9. Heaven knows that school can suck your life till there is nothing but the pulp left.
10. Enjoy the moment cause its going fast.

Love you all!!!

1 comment:

Lindsey Smith said...

i love that you hold nothing back no matter what people think. Confidence in yourself really isn't confidence at all, confidence in Christ is everything but I think you know that. I really do think that God has an amazing plan for you and I think that you will accomplish things you never knew possible, i can't wait to see it all unravel. I love that you have a blog and I get to see inside your head, it's fascinating. Love you girl, keep up the blog. One day you will be so glad that you have all these thought to look back on. I know there are times that i can't believe that I wrote something so dumb and others times i get strength from the younger me.