Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Day

Here is an funny story for you:
Today in World Civ we were watching a web video that was talking about the election. They for casted that Obama was going to win and I made a disgusted noise in the back of my throat. About a minute later a girl named Cassidy turned to me and asked if I was going to become a politician. I laughed and said 'No'. Then she asked what I was going to be and I told her that I wanted to become a Psychologist - yes a psychologist:). She nodded and turned back around.
So here is what I'm thinking: I let people know what I think.
That class is filled with politics and of course you all know me as an outspoken girl with some attitude, so generally I have stuff to say.
About a month ago, an almost same scenario happened.
We were talking about some controversial topic - what topic isn't nowadays?! - and I voiced my opinion. I didn't say it in a demanding way, just a way that let my opinion be known.
A boy that had the opposite view as me said his thoughts right after mine and a guy that I knew from 2 years ago leaned over and said, "Don't argue with her. She always wins."
I laughed really hard that day:)

So what does this have to do with the election?
Well nothing but I thought it would be a fun beginning.
The truth is, there is a big BIG chance that Obama will be president. My choice is that I will just go along with the ride. It will be a huge adventure and it might be kinda interesting to see what will happen. With a democrat president, the house and the senate just fight and get nothing done. But isn't that what we want? For the government to do nothing in our daily lives? That's what I want. Big government is always a bad idea.
So take that and ponder. Or not. I don't care.

Last Minute Thoughts:
1. There are a surprising amount of Obama supporters in Utah.
2. Socialism is the new 'Black' ... ;)
3. Gamers are annoying.
4. Work hard, eat right and then die.


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