Saturday, November 15, 2008


So I have some experiences that I would like to share. 
This week and last I had some intense need to get money. I was kinda in debt and that is one of the worst feelings that I have ever had. It was like pressure on my chest and like I couldn't breathe when I thought about what I owed. So I looked at my tithing output and that was the problem. I made over 100 dollars this week due to the fact that I decided that all the money I got would go to tithing. 
I was shocked. 
I am never going to get behind in tithing ever again.
I am entirely pleased and blessed by what Heavenly Father has shown me this past week. 
Tithing really is a big deal. 

Last Minute Thoughts:
1. The world is coming to an end. Better stock up on food storage. 
2. Moods are interesting due to the fact that people believe that they control us, when in fact we control them.
3. Randomness should be awarded.
4. For those who think that I am insane due to any amount of circumstances - i.e. mother, siblings, temper, living situations - your wrong. I choose to be insane. My life is probably more exciting than yours due to that fact too.
5. Okay, not that I hate babies or anything but the thing is, I have a hard enough time remembering my aunts and uncles names so don't expect me to remember your children's names. Its that or stop having babies. You choose.
6. If you haven't noticed I am a little pissy, but that's okay cause I'm a little bit bipolar to so it will end up with me crying and then wanting to sing in like 30 minutes.
7. I hate those boys who lead me on and then turn it around to look like I have a huge Ego just for thinking that they liked me. NEWS FLASH!: I am a charming, intelligent, gorgeous, strong, hell of a woman, and if I think someone likes me THERE IS A REASON TO IT.
8. If I have a problem with you, its probably because there is something in your character that I have and I really don't like about my self. I'm working on it. Bear with me please.
9. This is a really long list of last minute thoughts. Its longer than the post even. 
10. I love people, I just hate their stupid decisions. 
11. (Last one I promise) Out of the courtesy of your hearts: never invite someone to a party in front of a person you don't plan to invite. that is the lowest kind of tack less act there is. 


rickie lee said...

"its that or stop having babies" ha ha ha ha ha i laughed for an hour...or just longer then i usually do... :D

Andie Bonze said...

haha well im glad you had a good time with that:) I wish that its more thought provoking so that people will leave me COMMENTS!
anyways... thanks for the comment Erica:) I love ya for it! and so many other things too lol:)

Kyle Hess said...

Andie I always love reading your blogs. I can hear your sassy little voice and face as I read!!! It's such a blessing to understand the importance of being obedient and pay your tithing. I have been paying for many years now and at times it is hard, but there is no other way to live life.

Last minute thoughts if you want comments on your blog you have to leave comments on other peoples blogs so they know that you have one.

Kyle Hess said...

that comment was from MaRea not Kyle

Angie said...

Bonze I love reading your blog too! Your so insightful and smart even at the ripe old age of *almost 16* i say that like I'm ancient but really it was just yesterday I was sixteen and couldn't wait to date and drive, HOW FUN!!!