Monday, August 4, 2008


Overreaction... its a curious word. Okay. So I have some explaining to do. 
1. When I was complaining about Breaking Dawn earlier, I hadn't read the whole thing. 
2. I still stand by what I said to the parts of the book that earned my harsh and critical judgement. 
3. The rest of the book past the crap was actually pretty good. 
True, I did bash Stephenie Meyer a bit, but in true reality, she does make me mad a bit.... Don't ask, I wont stop if I get started... ;)
Anyways, I publicly apologize for being a bit of a bear - in the literal sense of the word - in that last post. 
I do think that half of the book is crap though. And I will fight anyone who says otherwise. 
Who knows, I might change my mind one day, but don't hold your breath:).
Love ya!

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