Friday, February 20, 2009

Slutty Little Girls

I have continually said that High School is a whole different world, but this world has so many different rules.
1. If you have 'em Flaunt them! - I really dont agree. Being really slutty is such a hold up! The wrong guys look and you really feel dirty and disgusting.
And the girls that do flaunt.... their stuff... its so annoying to look over and see them!!! I wanna go and pull their shirt up!
Of course, when I get my shirt pulled up, it annoys the hell outta me, but thats just because I dont like people touching me. Period.

2. Never insult a Senior.
I really dont have a problem with this though. People already think I am a senior so I dont get insulted and I cant really cross a line with the seniors anyway.

3. The cutest boys are the Juniors.
They really are. I know a couple cute seniors and then a handfull of sophomores. But mostly the Junior population holds the record for attractiveness... idk if thats a word but i really dont care!:)

4. You can spot the 'Emo's' From a mile away.
They annoy the crap outta me too! I really cant stand them. Just because they have low self esteem means that they can cover their face with the most unattractive eyeliner and tight TIGHT pants - including the boys.

5. If you do something well, never do it for free.
I actually learned this from The Dark Night... but I apply it to high school anyways! haha!

6. Dont mess with the Poly's!!!!
They are big and huge and will crush you!
They are truely scary unless your on their good side...

7. Be careful when you are walking down the stairs in high heels.
Even in flats you can trip and fall down - or up! - the stairs in front of everyone. This has happened to me so many times its not embarrassing anymore, just routine...

8. Make sure your phone is on silent or vibrate!
Some of the teachers are SCARY when they hear a phone go off!

9. Keep who you like to yourself!
It always makes things awkward - unless you have mastered the art of always being 'unakward' - if the guy/girl you like doesnt like you back and they know... Sigh...

10. The more popular you are, the less crazy you can be.
You are in the spot light of everyones view and if you screw up big time, you lose your chance. In reality, people only remember the really bad, and hardly remember the good.

11. The 'cute' girls always look cute, even if they dont.
That is annoying...

12. Tight skinny jeans are allowed on overweight people.

So there are the things that I have learned from the self conscious, over zealous, self esteem lowering halls of this little Bountiful High.

Oh and P.S.!
I added a sidebar on my blog that lists my fave people! Check it out!:)


Last Minute Thoughts:
1. I love you!
2. I want some food...
3. Lunch is underrated.
4. Omgsh.... this guy is so hot and I am sitting like right across from him;)
5. Curly hair is more noticed than strait.
6. I wanna put pink and red in my hair... I feel the rebellious stage comin on! Watch out mom!
7. I really cant wait for my best friend to come back to Utah...
8. 'Theres nothing wrong with loving Chunky!' - Madagascar 2
9. Maroon is a good color on brunettes.
10. I can count my favorite people on two sets of hands:).

Love you all!!

1 comment:

Lindsey Smith said...

I don't think anyone should wear skinny jeans, NOBODY!!! I hate them, in fact if I had last min. thoughts on my blog that would be one of them. It would say, "Skinny jeans are hideous!" Oh and by the way, I am totally with you on the slutty girl thing. In fact I had a friend that went to your high school and she was a total hoochy mama and she always talked about how popular she was. I always wanted to say, "Well I think we all know why you were popular." So sad!