Wednesday, January 14, 2009


One of my biggest flaws is that I freak out to everything before I see the whole picture. Now you could just call this "Dramaqueen-titus" or an 'F.O.' - Freaker-Outer. I answer to both:).
Having the transition to Highschool has changed me dramatically. I have become so much more independant in so many ways.
I dont have to have people be with me to make me look good. I can do something on my own and not feel bad because no one is with me. This is not common in school because everyone is afraid of looking 'unpopular' infront of their peers.
I am in fact 'unpopular'. I am not even remotely popular. But I think that we are using the word out of context anyways:).
To me I really dont care.
Im ok with being alone at lunch sometimes! It just makes going out with friends that more special.
This brings me to my next topic: Change.
We change constantly. Even when we stay the same, we change. I actually think that is from a song but it escapes me at the moment.
I just turned 16, but the change was not dramatic. It was like rearranging your closet, its different, but its not like someone died or left you or you won the lottery. It just is a nice thing to look at in a part of your life.
And then there are some of those changes. Like losing your Graphing Calculator.... Ugh... I dont want to think about it.
Or gettin a bad grade on your English Test. These are big things; but only in the moment.
You get over that you lost something and you either buy another one, or borrow one.
You Live.
That is one of the things that bugged me about reading the book 'Romeo & Juliet'.
Their lives ended, but their families didnt. They went on, they lived, and they loved again.
WE LIVE! - Unless we die, and then we still live but from behind the veil. And yet we still live in memories of people we knew!
When people leave, we go on. Our lives change with or without them. I have expericaned this with almost every best friend I have ever had. They might come back in the future - and some have and will - but I will not be the same! They wont either.
Change. Get used to it.

Last Minute Thoughts:
1. Time goes by slowly when your watching a broken clock...
2. End of Semester BLOWS!
3. Finals suck.
4. I love my phone:)
5. I dont like people who dont text back.
6. I probably dont like those people because sometimes I dont text back either.
7. Snow is cold.
8. Lame jokes are just that, but man sometimes they are hilarious!
9. I love my family.
10. There! I got to ten! HAPPY?!

Love ya:)


Anna said...

Change change change. Change ch ch ch change. Like my song? Oh ya! :)

Lindsey Smith said...

You are wonderful girl. I wish that I could have had the insight that you have when I was your age. Love you!